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Quantitative: as measured by the pace of successful progression and maximum timeframe to complete the degree.

     o Pace of progression: measured by successful completion of at least 67% of attempted credits hours. The number of earned hours are divided by the number of attempted hours cumulatively at the end of each semester. Accepted transfer and remedial courses           are included in this calculation in both earned and attempted hours.

     o Maximum Time Frame: measured by a student’s ability to complete a degree 2 without exceeding 150% of the credit hours required to complete the degree program. Accepted transfer and remedial credit hours are included.  

 Grade Eligibility for Calculation

Satisfactory Completion
A, B, C, D, S (satisfactory)
Unsatisfactory Completion (GPA and Pace)
F, U, I* (incomplete), WF (withdraw fail)
Unsatisfactory Completion (Pace only)
DR (drop), Needs Repeating (NR), No Grade (NG), W/WD (Withdrawal), repeated**, non-credit coursework (remedial)

Change of Major:

If a student changes majors, the hours from the previous major that count towards the student’s new degree requirements are included in the calculation of attempted and earned hours.

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